The Church of Saint Bartholomew the Less
I had occasion to be treated in hospital at St Bartholemew's in London and had expected to travel straight to a normal hospital building but it proved to be a most interesting experience because the hospital site has a rich history.
St Bart's Priory and Hospital were founded in 1123 on a site where a church and hospital building still stand. If you are interested in reading more information on the development of Barts Hospital into one of the most respected Hospitals in the world then watch this short film. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CYQHmUMxnSU
This page relates to the church which carries the strange title including the words "the less" as opposed to the larger church just 300m away carrying the title with the words "the great". I have created a photographic study of the larger church off this link.
The Church of Saint Bartholemew the Less as seen from the street.

The external walls of the hospital complex still bear the scars of war damage.

The Church of Saint Bartholemew the Less as seen from the street.